The best part of the game is that it is finally on switch, but that is also it's downfall. But it's way too bloated for it's own good. Check this one out if you liked the first two, you'll have fun. Sheila is okay but kind of boring (2D is very frustrating though), Sgt Byrd which has very bad controls when you're in the air (which is his whole gimmick), Bentley which is either plain out boring to play as and infuriating in one of the mini games due to his camera being over the shoulder for no good reason and Agent 9 which is a poor man's shooter.

This one also introduces new characters that all have weaker gameplay than Spyro does. This could have something to do that some of the mini games are a slight variation of the former game. This one has a quantity over quality problem, where some of the mini games are really fun, while there are also ones that just are a bit underwhelming.

It's by no means a bad game, however it loses a lot of focus the second one had. This one is a must play classic as well.The Year of the Dragon starts to slack off however. Here's where the series shines brightest in my opinion, lot of great and unique ideas that are executed very well.

This one also gets rid of the "boss stages" and just makes them into bosses, which works great because unlike the first one the bosses here are challenging (especially Gulp). This is imo a must play classic.Ripto's Rage improves on everything, giving you everything the first did, plus an actual story, cool bad guy you want to defeat, mini games that are simple but very good and a wider moveset. Next to this complaint the game still holds up really well. When you play it you'll know exactly what I mean. Especially the one in Cliff Town where a missed jump results in a 10 second loading screen. The jump is nerfed which will make a couple of jumps very frustrating. Since this is the first game I've ever beat (on the PS1) I'm very nostalgic to this one, and while most of it still holds up I'd have to say there are a couple things wrong with this remake.

The goal is to collect gems and dragons so you can enter the "boss stage" and hop onto a balloon. The original is basic but has a couple of very challenging maps that expect perfection of your moveset. The original is basic butThis is wonderful collection of games that you should own if you like platformers based around collecting things. This is wonderful collection of games that you should own if you like platformers based around collecting things.