It gets remade every once in a while just to clear out people who have left DA or are no longer looking and the old thread will (eventually) get deleted, so be sure to back up your roleplay ads if you're worried about them getting deleted! To participate, just fill out the below form and submit it as a comment. Yo! This is the journal you should go to if you have any roleplaying needs. With a thunderous clap of lightening, a storm started to Soon though staying awake wasn't a problem anymore. It was hard not to fall asleep at times, when stuff was quiet and the warmth was luring, the child had to shake her head to try and stay awake. So carefully she gripped the bar she sat on to steady herself, basking in the warmth from her front while the cold continued to nip at her back, the fire fighting against it the best it could. But if she didn't keep warm she'd have the reverse problem. It was dangerous to be so close to a fire at her size of just a few inches tall, if she fell in she likely would get some serious burns.

A small young girl was carefully balanced on the bars of a warm brazier, lit for light mostly but for her, it was the only source of warmth she could find. It's a couple grand.A Witcher's Offer (M/F micro/macro vore)It's a cold, cool evening in Novigrad, most of everyone were in bed already or in taverns getting wasted, but for some going home wasn't so simple, especially when you lacked a home due to a new cat. Sentience binding being much cheaper but no drop in the bucket. Reformation being something like tens of thousands of dollars. In this world reforming and sentience after digestion exist but they are expensive. Without all the dangers of co-ed life on campus she might actually have a perfect pass rate. This year she's hoping for no failures since everyone is learning from home and class is meeting on Zoom. She's used to failing a few students every semester, some from lack of attendance after being digested and others from digesting someone else which also earns you a failing grade. It's one of those gen-eds everyone has to take. Miss DiFranco teaches the vore prevention, safety and counseling class at her state's college. Absorption Breast Vore Casual vore Cleavage Vore Cock Vore Consensual vore Cum Digestion Cum Transformation Digestion Disposal Disposal Scat Fatal Femcum Futa pred Futa/F Futa/M Futanari H/F H/M Herm Pred Hermaphrodite Oral Vore photomanip Picture and Story Scat Sentient Sentient Disposal sentient fat thigh vore Unbirth Weight Gain Willing writing written work