If you want to read back on what was actually changed in v18 itself, you can find the corresponding articles in the blog posts - Kodi 18, Kodi 18.1, Kodi 18.2, Kodi 18.3, Kodi 18.4 and Kodi 18.5. Application deployment on different platforms (notably, Google Play and the Microsoft Store) varies due to circumstances outside of our control.

Now select Adult Hideout folder and then click on repository.adulthideout-1.0.1.zip (if the file version is a little bit different you shouldn’t worry. Get the best Firestick and Kodi tutorials StreamDroid is the best place to download the latest and best streaming apps for Firestick or Android TV. Slamious Kodi Build is one for those who love large file-sized builds.It works fine with Kodi 17.6 Krypton & 18 Leia and is packed with many features.