Aimbot hack to use on roblox
Aimbot hack to use on roblox

aimbot hack to use on roblox

Player.Character:WaitForChild("Reload").Value = true If Player.Character:WaitForChild("Reload").Value = false then GoingToShootBullet.ImageTransparency = 0.6 Local GoingToShootBullet = GUI.MainFrame:FindFirstChild("BulletImage") Local GUI = Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Weapons").Revolver The value changes everytime you equip the gun Tool = script.Parent I know this is a very bad code of a gun but well it checks for your mouse value also

aimbot hack to use on roblox

It was a mix of the raycasting being bad and laggy, and poor programming on my part. I did make a game once where the raycasting was server-sided, and it was terrible. However, even if i did change the raycasting to be only server-sided, hackers would still be able to cheat just as easy, as you would need to send a RayOrigin and a RayDirection, and the RayOrigin in my game is the Cameras Position, as it is first-person.

aimbot hack to use on roblox

No one has complained about the system, and i actually have gotten praise for it, as some people said it was better than Arsenals or Phantom Forces hit registration system (Most likely because my game isnt playable on mobile, and doesnt have oversized mobile hitboxes, cough cough ARSENAL.) Specifically, in my scripts, the server only verifies the shots, and deals the damage. Incorrect, my solution gets all the parts information through the client, right after the raycast is done, and sends the information to the server, which the server than replicates the part and verifies the shot, therefore the part could not have moved at all during the time the clients information took to get to the server, as the client is sending the parts information over, instead of the server getting the parts information when it recieves the event. The solution you gave would be no different than 100% serversided, the part could have moved during the time it took for the client to tell the server it wants to shoot a bullet.

Aimbot hack to use on roblox